Monday 30 August 2010

Wolf eyes

This was just an idea I was exploring whilst storyboarding.

The website above shows contact lenses which change the appearance of the eye, although they are slightly out of our price range, it's something we can keep our eyes open for... (see what i did there? yes.) There are lenses especially for werewolves, check it out!

Look At:

eye's in our price range called 'Luna Eclipse'
not great, but could be useable

Tuesday 17 August 2010

Sound - initial look into .

So i was stumbling across the internet....and look what i found -

its a old song that has a very precise feel to the song. it is called werewolves in london, and the whole pace of the song goes completely against the conventions of traditional werewolf or even traditional horror music.
if as a group we decide to go against conventions this could be an interesting piece of music to use.

Managing our sound tracks

One of the sites that we are researching our music from is , which has a huge database of tracks, all categorised to help us find exactly the sort of sound we are looking for.
After finding a number of tracks that we liked, we saved them as mp3 files to our computer and Mac, and then saved them into an iTunes library for easy accessibility.

Further sound

For our final sound, we searched around various copyright free music sites such as and found a number of gothic tracks that we thought would fit our trailer etc. We chose a mixture of tracks and edited them to suit us directly in Garageband. This technology has given us freedom to take current products and edit them to suit us more.


Now that our trailer is starting to take place, we know from last year at our A2 that music and sound is an amzing accompnement to any media text. In our case, it is very important.
We have searched and looked at a wide range of sound, however at the moment we have settled with drum and bass- but into the sub-genre of 'Dark DnB' - this is the track that we have been focusing on more than any other.
We have chopped it up in garageband, and made some changes to make it fit to the way our trailer flows. but overall we are all very happy with it.

A Change in Sound!

We have been editing our teaser trailer during the post porduction process. In this time we have been getting regular feedback from our target audience and werewolf film fanatics to ensure our trailer delivers the right expectations and communicates the right connonations and narrative. During the lastest session our feedback suggested that the fast 'Drum 'n' Bass' music was crossing into the zombie genre, which although is still a supernatural genre, we felt this was a major flaw in the clarity of narrative. For this reason we have decided to to no longer use the 'Drum 'n' Bass' soudtrack.

The song starts at 1:37

We wanted to make our genre clear so we looked back over our research into werewolves are decided that a more historical approach reflected the myth and tradition surrounding the werewolf that has been seen throughout history. For this reason we researched into medieval music and chanting.

The links below are some of the tracks we are exploring with our trailer:

1. We feel this has a very spooky and traditional feel but there is no rise or fall in action. This could be a problem when building up tension, however we can manipulate the track in garage band which would add to creativity and origionality.

2. Again, this would give the historic element to our trailer, and the 2 different tones of voice provide intrest and a slight chnage in mood, however there is again a lack in rise and fall, but this can be changed if we edit the soudtrack in garageband.

3. We believe this has more of a natural rise and fall however the tone of the music itself may be too upbeat and cheerful if we combine it with images of maulled werewolf victiums. Although, this could be a potenial idea, to juxtapose our footage with sound as we would make the viewer feel even more uncomfortable.

These are currently just ideas and need a lot more development

Monday 16 August 2010

Final Storyboard Developed

As we have started the editing process in post production, we have realised a serise of fast, quick edits does not have the desired impact of 'shock' as there is no build up of tension. For this reason, we have re-storyboarded with the same locations in mind, to use establishing shots of a the remote Dungeness beach to build suspence and tension.

This decision has also been influenced due to our non-diagetic music. Initally we wanted to parallel the fast cuts and quick edits with fast paced drum 'n' bass music. However, once we had a basic sequence of edits and drum 'n' base non-diagectic music to accompany it, we showed it to a focus group of werewolf film fantatics, who felt this was not appropraite for a werewolf film, (for further details, click here).

As we have already edited a lot of footage, we encluded this in the storybaord to give a complete impression of our final product. During post production our inital final storyboard has already developed substantially.
With the slow monk chant music we encourprated more of the tradiotional werewolf transformation, showing more of the 'naked' body and the historical Lycan symbol.

We have also included stages of transformation from man to wolf. This again is a very historical representation of a werewolf, but we believe if the audince can read stages, it will build tension and suspence.

The storyboards below show this development:
Please click on each section of the storyboard to enlarge the image

Final Storyboard

This is our final storyboard. The main narrative surrounds a remote beach location, Dungeness, with many establishing shots of the area. There is then a mid shot of a group of seagulls eating some food, a loud noise sounds and they fly of, showing a food they were eating - raw flesh. Again a loud noise will sound to shock the auidence. The screen then fades to black and a full moons appears out of the clouds. This is then followed by a chain of fash shots of flesh, the werewolf and a chase scene with a end shot of a young girl locted a room with serve injuries. This will the cut to an establihsing shot of a Warehouse/ Werehouse. 

Tuesday 10 August 2010

Whats the time Mr wolf?

During a group discussion, we were recapping on our nursery rhyme research from last year. We got to brainstorming and suddenly thought of the childrens playground game 'Whats the time Mr Wolf' We pitched this idea to our teachers and they loved it, and now we are thinking of basing most of the sound around this game. For example- Whats the time Mr wolf- camera gets closer- Whats the time Mr wolf- Camera gets closer- Whats the time Mr wolf- Scream- Dinner time.

All four of us are currently storyboarding our own individual ideas, and then we are going to bring the best ideas together and create our group storyboard.

Sunday 1 August 2010

Development of Storyboarding

Looking at Storyboards - Van Helsing

Here are the original drawings from the film 'Van Helsing' the images above are from the library scene but a few of the shots are featured in the teaser trailer. What we liked was that although the film is of high budget and there is a lot of computer technology used, there is still an impetus on the use of shadow and point of view shots, which is re-creatable for us as a group. Also a lot of the action (as seen in the drawing) is done when the 'werewolf' is in human form, this give us a lot more flexibility with our content as we would be able to rely on make-up and acting to re-create the transformation scene as long as we had a convinsing actor/actress.