Monday 16 August 2010

Final Storyboard Developed

As we have started the editing process in post production, we have realised a serise of fast, quick edits does not have the desired impact of 'shock' as there is no build up of tension. For this reason, we have re-storyboarded with the same locations in mind, to use establishing shots of a the remote Dungeness beach to build suspence and tension.

This decision has also been influenced due to our non-diagetic music. Initally we wanted to parallel the fast cuts and quick edits with fast paced drum 'n' bass music. However, once we had a basic sequence of edits and drum 'n' base non-diagectic music to accompany it, we showed it to a focus group of werewolf film fantatics, who felt this was not appropraite for a werewolf film, (for further details, click here).

As we have already edited a lot of footage, we encluded this in the storybaord to give a complete impression of our final product. During post production our inital final storyboard has already developed substantially.
With the slow monk chant music we encourprated more of the tradiotional werewolf transformation, showing more of the 'naked' body and the historical Lycan symbol.

We have also included stages of transformation from man to wolf. This again is a very historical representation of a werewolf, but we believe if the audince can read stages, it will build tension and suspence.

The storyboards below show this development:
Please click on each section of the storyboard to enlarge the image

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