Friday 18 June 2010

Wolf Hunting Techniques and How They are beaten

To make our werewolf seem as believeable and authentic as possible we have researched into the hunting techniques of wolves.

Wolves are generally nocturnal as they stay out the heat of day's sun. They almost always hunt at dusk. So we have decided to film our Werewolf at dusk to match this convention.

Wolves choose their prey in three ways:
-sent (most common)
-chance encounters

We could show our Werewolf, or signs of the Werewolf carring out these actions in our trailer.
After some prey is chosen, wolves divide up to search through brush, travel on ridge tops searching for the prey below, or test herds looking for signs of weakness. Wolves are known for exploiting weak prey, as wolves are opportunistic, and inevitably it is the disadvantaged that are the easiest to catch. For this reason we could have our main protagonist already being injured or ill or weak due to another factor, and it is becuase of this that the werewolf chooses them.

Prey that runs is chased. Prey that stands its ground may be able to hold off the wolf, however usually the wolf will stand its ground and wait for the prey to move to begin the chase.

Strangely, most prey chased by wolves manages to escape, so we could base the idea of hunt and escape, hunt and escape for our film, will they/wont they, kind of idea!

When the attack happens, the prey is usually seized by either the nose or the rump. Sometimes with smaller prey a neck bite will snap a backbone. These are injuries and ideas we should experiement with in make up and costuming. Wolves usually begin to feed on the rump, if it was exposed during the chase, or else on the internal organs - great for costuming and make up!

"There is no documented account of a healthy wolf ever attacking a human"
- Enter Werewolf.

Vulnerabilities of a werewolf

A lot of modern* werewolf tales suggest werewolves are vulnerable to silver. Often they only way werewolves are defeated or killed is through a silver weapon, such as a bullet, dagger or sword ect.

*The suggestion that the Beast of Gévaudan, an 18th century wolf or wolf-like creature, was shot by a silver bullet is thought to first appear by stroytellers repeating the tale from 1935 onwards.
However, more traditional ways to beat a werewolf include either wearing rye, or mistletoe, or bathing/ painting with the liquidfied version. Belgian supersition apparently says that ''no house is safe unless under the shade of mountain ash'', but I haven't heard of that before!
Unlike vampires and other creatures, werewolves aren't usually affcted by religion, or religious artifacts such as crucifixes and holy water.

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