Tuesday 29 June 2010

Possible Narrative Ideas - She Wolf

When brainstorming narrative ideas and themes we came up with the possible idea of using a she-wolf. The thinking behind this move was down to the fact that it would give us a widow to add creativity, break conventions and move away from the archetypal werewolf movie.

After watching films like ‘The Wolfman’ (2010) and ‘An American werewolf in London’ and trailers from films such as ‘Twilight’ and ‘Van Helsing’ there is a strong associated with male dominance, and female submission as the ‘damsel in distress’. This dominance is partly due to the settings of the movies, both ‘Twilight’ and ‘The Wolfman’ were set in a time in which “The emotional, sexual and psychological stereotyping of females began with ‘it’s a girl’”.

Another reason is that through European folk law there has been a constant association between men and werewolves which was further reinforced once carried into Hollywood cinema. Although it has things going against it we feel that using a she wolf could potentially be an idea worth considering due to the fact there has been an equality shift in society as women become equal to men, but also due to the fact that there seems to be a need and a market for it, after researching internet forums based around werewolf we found questions such as:

‘Is it me or do we never hear anything about any female werewolves? I never hear them in any stories nor in any monster movies. Why is that?’

Which is usually met by responses such as :

‘Because we are known as the perfect warriors, and beings that should be feared. the image of a ginormous wolf is scary as it is. But it becomes a lot more so when the wolf is the alpha male known to be the fiercest of the pack.’

Although this shows the association between men and werewolves to the viewers it also shows that there is interest in a female werewolf. The use of a she-wolf in the film could also potentially increase the target market of the film; it could draw more female attention to the film which would not normally be achieved whilst keeping the ‘horror movie fan’ due to the content and presentation of the trailer.

How would we do it?
After looking at the role of female killers in most mainstream films there seems to be two main narrative ideas surrounding the femal killer
1. 'The Temptress' - women killers in horror are often drawn attention to through there looks, such as 'Teeth' this could be recreated, but would be difficult due to the believability achieveable by actors of out age.
e.g "she was the girl everyone wanted, until they knew who she really was" then its all *FLASH* girl *FLASH* boy *FLASH*picnique date *FLASH* intercourse at night *FLASH* fully moon *FLASH* chaos

2. 'The Vunerable Haunted' - This would be an alternaive method to go with, which takes the control away from the killer and into the supernatural, which we would be able to re-create well with a series of images.

With this in mind we looked into Shakira's music video to She Wolf, as it is a modern media represnatation of a She Wolf. The She wolf is conventioanlly good looking and a sexual preditor, as opposed to the traditional male preditor. The danger is falling in love or being used by the She Wolf, not being eaten. This is something we could explore further.

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