Thursday 24 February 2011

4. How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Over the course of our project, we have used numerous types of new technology in the

  • The initial research and plan carried out for our teaser trailer
    The Construction of our teaser trailer;
  • The promotion, evaluation and commercialisation of our final teaser trailer product.
In the initial research of our teaser we used a website called that provides a free service in the creation of questionnaires. We used to create and promote a questionnaire in order to gain information from a non-specified audience; In order to promote our questionnaire we used various social networks to promote it among freinds and relatives that were a non-specified target audience while also emailing creators of horror fan pages which allowed them to send our questionnaire to their followers which were a much more defined target audience that we wished to address.

Our questionnaire was structured in such a way, that the audience were encouraged to go into detail and express their feelings on horror.  - we felt this more effective than simple yes/no answers as it allowed our audience to expand on their feelings, so we could see into the deepest fears and expectations of our audience.
We also used digital communities to promote our questionnaire and raise awareness of the up and coming teaser trailer. We went to social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter to create fan pages, this enabled us to gain followers and contact them with updates of our trailer.
Our blog also featured an additional poll (down the right hand side of the blog)that asked our audience about location of a werewolf.
In our research, the internet was our main source of information however as well as using webpages to gain information on 'The History of the Werewolf' and 'How a Werewolf Hunts', we also used email and google images to help establish the foundations of our teaser. Regarding email, we emailed a supposed sufferer of 'Lycanthropy' to help us understand the conditions he lived in, and the way he lives as we felt this an effective way to gain first hand research while also understanding what it was like to be a sufferer of lycanthropy.
 Regarding google images and google maps, we looked at our main location of Dungeness - by having 3D images of dungeness and being able to navigate around it to see if it was suitable, it allowed us to realise the different approach that we took on our trailer, Dungeness allowed us to slow down our teaser trailer, and have the time to establish genre,narrative and location.
This planning of Dungeness using google maps helped us a lot when it came to storyboarding, and this became the initial foundation of our storyboard. The shots we captured from Dungeness were soon taken to iMove'11 to experiment with, we tried different techniques of editing and different effects to find the best way to portray a mysterious isolated setting such as Dungeness.
When evaluating we returned to digital communities, however this time introducing YouTube as our new media - as our media text was now complete we uploaded it YouTube where it has gained 340 views at the moment. We used Facebook and Twitter to promote our film on YouTube.

With our ancillary tasks, we used a leading creator of websites to use. We created this under 'NAcollective' which is a leading blog for music by one of our group members. we used this as we hoped to attract the audience from 'NAcollective' to our website. Also with 2 other members of our groups blogs, we gained followers and promoted our 'Lycan' website through these platforms. The creation of our poster used a number of new technology that really sold our media above the rest, we used a transparency feature to layer a number of images to show the transofmation of the lycan. We also used different saturation techniques of the picture to get the best possible image for our Poster.

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