Thursday 7 October 2010

Film Homepages: Iron Man 2 'Concept Website'

Iron Man 2

Althought this film is unlreated to our genre, whilst looking at film homepages we were really impressed by the iron man 2 website, instead of just a formatted page this page appeared more as a concept. It has a technologic appearance and aspect to it, reinforced by techonlogical sounds. The film is reflected in the page, as it appears a lot like the protagonists computer within the movie. The typography of the page is simple, as it is aloud to be as it is mimicing a computer appearance and can therefore be simple. What we also like was there was no fixed positioning  for the subheadings on the page as they floated around the screen, creating the further impression of advanced technology. This idea of  carrying the concept of the website through it something we can look at and adapt to our project, althought it would be difficult, this page was definiatly more appealing than the other site we looked at.

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