Tuesday 12 October 2010

An Experimental Look At Poster Ideas

We really liked the idea of the symbol as a basis for our poster design as it can be used really affectively for branding, however we thought we would explore further into completely different types of posters to get a range of unique ideas.

This poster idea is influenced by the connotations of strength that link to werewolves. We wanted to highlight the muscles in the protagonists back to show his core body strength, a shot which is commonly used during the transformation process, as the human reverts to becomming an animal linking to ideas of nudity and being relvealed. We choose to have the protagonist face away from the audience to create an air of mystery, who is he? Is he the killer? This sence of mystery is what made us choose this particular blue tint as it has connotations of the unknown, a cold blooded killer, supernatural and mystery.  We liked the simplicity of this poster, and how we used balck, white and blue instead of the traditional gothic red. We also liked the idea of using a young male as the hook, but it would be difficult to tie into branding.

With this challenge of branding in mind, we edited and inhanced other photos that we could use for other posters or on our website or a magazine cover. The idea below is meant to represent the transformation process, the protagonist is clutching his hair in agony, but again his face is left hidden. We choose to focus on hair as it is the closest human feature to fur, again linking to to the transformation process. 

This third idea is inspired from finding the drawn eye in Dungeness. We then researched into symbols that are linked to werewolves, or wolves, or the supernatural and drew them around the protagonists eye as he transformed. The eye is known as the 'window to soul', so with the idea of the eye becomming corrupted, it is almost as if the protagonist is two seperate souls - good and evil. This idea was influenced by Levi Strauss' Binary Opposition Theory, Man is Good, Wolf is Evil, the werewolf battles both traits. Although this time we focused on the face, we tried to keep the overall identity of the protagonist hidden. Although we liked this idea, the lighting isn't effective enough to show the symbols are draw the audience into the eye as much as we would like, because of this, we think the poster idea needs further developing.

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