Thursday 7 October 2010

Film Homepages: Van Helsing.

Van Helsing.

  • This page has an intereting and unique typography to it - the lettering in the sub-headings ae faded and have a cloudy/ghotstly appearance to them.
  • The film is sold of being an action packed thriller, and therefore the action hero, who is displayed clearly on the screen and not desracted by other characters.
  • Also the character his holding weapons re-inforcing the action genre.
  • The location and time is given away by the backdrop and costuming of the character.
  • The creatures in the background are there to reinforce the mythical aspect of the the film.
  • The use of Van helsing being so close to the Bats conforms to Claude Levi-Strauss's binary opposition, and although Van Helsing is wearing black, connotating evil, by giving him an opponent
  • The surrounding of the main screen has a dark gravestone appearance, connotating death, and old-world lifestyle.
  • Typography of the film title is sharp and reminiscent of weapons.

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