Wednesday 7 July 2010

Research- film analysis -Dogs Soldiers

To understand fully what typical werewolf films entile, we need to watch & deconstruct a number of them.. here we have the 2002 film 'Dogs Soldiers' directed by Neil Marshall.

The film opens by setting the scene with text showing 'Scotland' & an establishing shot of its beautiful, quiet moors.
2 characters are intoduced, who are shown to be husband & wife. During sexual activities in their tent, they are stalked & killed by an apparent werewolf, however it is important to note that the audience do not actually see any werewolf until much later in the film. Murder during sex could also be seen as a contiuning theme throughout horror films in todays society.
The picture below is a shot of the couple shining a torch on the tent entrance as it slowly unzips.. diegetic heavy breathing is heard from the beast as well... this is an easy shot we could easily pull off
The picture above is a close up or POV shot from the werewolf looking at it's victim... instead of seeing the werewolf, the audience focus on this character and the scene cuts as he is killed.... leaving a degree of uncertainty of who the killer is.

There is a load of long/establishing shots of the moon, which is a full moon most of the time... it often emerges from behind clouds and howls are heard. This obviously links to the myth that werewolves can only come out/ change during a full moon

Throughout the film there is also a continuous theme of dogs barking.
After the couple are killed, the film cuts to another establishing shot of North Wales with the text "2 hours earlier" & the main characters are introduced as being on a routine army exercise.. however we later find out they were tricked and used as bait. Throughout the film there is a lot of setting the scene.. ie lots of shots of the soldiers walking through the abandoned woods with noone else around.. emphasises their isolation. Characters are shown to be typical men, and are annoyed about missing the footy match england v germany.. little do they know this is going to get more serious than a footy match.

The group are shown to be sitting around a bomfire which we r looking into doing for our teaser trailer, and they are also telling stories about ppl going missing in the woods in the past... like a typical campsite ghost stories scene associated with teenagers, which we are also looking into for our teaser. In general, you get the odd person tha believes the story, but most write it off as silly tales.

The group are also shown being watched from a distance through binoculars. The film uses many POV surveillance shots which give the idea they are being watched. A few are shown below. It is also important to note that when there is a POV shot watching from a werewolfs view, they colour changes to black, a handheld camera is used, and often a heartbeat and breathing noises are heard.

There are also a lot of memorable quotes during the film.. e.g.  "I tell you what guys, really puts things into perspective when you have to sweep up your mate and put him in a dustbin".. "you know what lurks in the shadows"... "These aren't entry wounds, they're teeth marks"..."No wonder they're pissed, i mean think about it... we come into their home, eat their porridge, sleep in their beds... they're not going home.. they are home"... "natural causes my arse"... "Come and have a go if you think your hard enough"... "They think it's all over, it is now"  The film also has many links to football quotes which the audience would be able to relate to.. this could tell us about the films target audience.

-Jumpy moments throughout
-Trails left.. werewolf footprints.. blood left on log.. dripping, see shot below

-Flares set off indicating danger and needing help
-Can't find a signal on radio.. backup one is broken.. could relate to mobile phones, being in a remote place with no signal... code & conv of modern horror films..
-Huge emphasis on mist & fog throughout, wht lurks in the shadows & darkness... MANY SHOTS THROUGHOUT SHOW THE WEREWOLVES YET WE CANNOT SEE THEM PROPERLY, very much like the opening of the texas chainsaw massacre we looked at for our AS research.  Meaning only some of the beast is visible makes it easier to pull off.
-Non diegetic music cuts as the action unfolds.. silence as soldier is isolated... pov shots used.. wind turns up and creaks the trees etc. Something moves and non diegetic music comes back.
-Female saviour- a young woman rescues the soldiers which could be seen as breaking codes and conventiosn... usually its the woman saved by the man... later on she becomes a slight love interest for the main lead, however it turns out she double crossed them and is actually part of the werewolf family herself... clever... she took the family photo which is why she wasnt in it!
As she tells the truth to the soldiers, the werewolves appear behind her in the back of the shot

-Doors & windows get boarded up for extra protection
-Trails of blood up the stairs
Find weapons in household objects, such as boiling pots & pans etc
Strong element of humour within the film... new convention of many horror films... dog tearing at guts as if theyre sausages

Moments of equilibrium & disequilibrium
Lights flicker out.. werewolves turn off the generator.. they can see in the dark, we can't!
Slow motion shots of bullet shells falling to the ground
Codes and conventions.. sitting it out till daybreak... 28 days later..etc?
Luck-- rabbits foot
Send out decoys to fool them
Diegetic music.. girl plays the piano.. after finishing playing the werewolves howl...
Ticking clock..
Nicknames... spoon.. etc
Ending- final confrontations... memorable characters.. facing adversity in the face.. "I hope i give you the shits"  afterr bare nuckle fighting with the werewolf alone.
Cut the werewolfs arm off
Scraping of the sword as it rubs against teeth.. horrible screeching noise
Claw/bite marks.. c&c of werewolf movies
It is also important to look at a number of different transformations from human to werewolf.. here the woman changes instantly.. her eyes also turn yellow.
However, at another moment in the film.. someone is thrown over a table in a fight.. his hand comes up on the table with massive claws, we hear a roar and he arises as a werewolf.. clever and doesnt show mmuch.. therefore we could easily do something like that!!

The household dog saves the main lead by attacking the werewolf, the main lead finds a silver dagger and drives it into the werewolf.. therefore putting it near death. In the end the lead and the dog walk out of tehe exploded house into the sunlight and fresh air.

We will also be looking at the trailer released for this film & comparing the film to the trailer... whats different?

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