Sunday 18 July 2010

- Whats Inside - Mise en scene?

- So if we go ahead with the abadoned airfield/house for the idea for the main hiding spot for the werewolf - we will need at some point inside views of the locatin .
At such time, we are unaware on getting permission to enter the airfield- however we have other possible locations that we could use as the inside of the building.
-But what would a werewolf have in the building - as he lives in there..he would sleep there etc .
From the new wolfman film - they show anthony hopkins apporach the werewolf in human form - in his bedroom.
it looks like this:-
whats interesting about the mise en scene in this soht is the basics yet effectiveness it has.
A single bed frame in the corner - an old chair and what looks like a make shift table in the bottom right corner.
There are also chains in the room, so we get the impression that he tries to protect people from him. however we could use this in both ways as for the protection of the public and even the torture of the public.I will post shots of the bomb shelter i have at home - if we can get into it (its been sealed up).

meanwhile - check out the wolfman site  - it has a few interesting shots on its synopsis page , after the jump.

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